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Tuesday, October 26, 2004

dinner is served

for once, i have some real food at home. i hit my head on sunday and actually cooked some soup and rice.

so it's tuesday, and it's 8ish. figured i'll eat some dinner while watching porn, i mean the world series. i heat up the soup on the stove, and scooped out the rest of the rice from the rice-cooker into a bowl. into the microwave it goes for a minute.

it dings. soup's heated, rice is ready. yay! i bring it out, spread everything out and dive in.

spoiled, rotting rice tastes suprisingly sweet. fuck.


Blogger Me said...

i knew it! you were gonna watch porn. but dude, it sucks to watch porn while eating isn't it? i had a porn party with a couple of friends watching a S&M porn while eating shepard's pie. disgusting... bueks...

October 27, 2004 1:58 AM


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