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Wednesday, June 22, 2005

fucking ADD

i was talking to my sister this past weekend, and apparently she agress that i have ADD too.

want proof?

i'm working on my resume, and 2 lines into it, i open IE and start surfing. i finish an article, and then i do some work stuff, only to go back to working on my resume after a couple minutes. i then opened up blogger and started writing about my ADD.

i would take meds to control it, but then i'm afraid it would kill my wonderful, vibrant personality.

(it's 5 minutes after the last paragraph. i just checked my email and wimbledon results and mardy fish's website and dana's dirt. god, i'm useless.)


Blogger Skittles said...

Perfect combination...
Special Ed Student + ADD

I dut need anymore proof!!

June 22, 2005 1:21 PM

Blogger fishydude said...

well, ADD or not, i finally reworked my resume to my satisfaction.

so blah blah.

June 22, 2005 1:37 PM

Blogger lb said...

it won't change you. i swear. i just got on it like august of last year. its the best thing ever.

June 22, 2005 1:42 PM

Blogger fishydude said...

i refuse to believe
that i can't will my mind to concentrate,

that i have to succumb to modern technology, chemical, to make me work.

i will defeat the dark side.
may the force be with me.

June 22, 2005 1:47 PM

Blogger Skittles said...

here is my 2-cent as an ex-pharmacy tech... ADD med is def effective... I've seen lots of before and after ADD-med-taker kids ... at the same time...i feel so sorry cuz they look dumb afterwards.. not that matters to you cuz u r already...

anyhow , why not.. u only live once.. go ahead.. try it... lifetime experience...

June 22, 2005 2:02 PM

Blogger fishydude said...

this is getting too serious, so i only have one thing to say.


June 22, 2005 2:04 PM

Blogger Me said...

Haha! Yes i feel you man. I feel you. My friends don't. I need Oprah.

June 22, 2005 8:27 PM


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